Pay Kindness Forward

Once you get the momentum going being kind tends to become a really great (really easy!) habit. Sometimes though, the hardest part of doing good is figuring out where to start. It can feel daunting because there’s so much you want to do! If you’re feeling overwhelmed, just remember we’re here to help! We have tons of resources on how to stand for kindness in your community and you’re already taking the first step to living a kind life just by reading this!

For us, no good deed goes unnoticed

(especially if you use the hashtag #PayItForwardDay and tag us @PayItForwardDay when you share on social media!), so don’t be bashful. It may seem strange or boastful to let others see your service act, but showing the good you’re doing for your community can inspire others to do the same. Even small acts of kindness, like leaving a nice note on your neighbor’s car windshield can brighten a day and create a positive ripple effect on the people around you!

There’s no limit to the amount
of good you can do in your community.


Sharing is caring!
Use social media on April 28 to show the world how love
can change a life while inspiring your community to stand for kindness.

Put a heart on your hand and share with us while living out kindness!


Pay It Forward Day’s message of love and kindness transcends countries, politics, and religion to become a global celebration of joy!

Never associated with any foundation or organization, Pay It Forward Day has always been an open practice of kindness which means your business, non-profit, or city can celebrate Pay It Forward Day without excluding anyone.

It’s easy to get involved!

Whether you’re an individual, school, corporation, or city official, we have the inspiration, stories, and ideas you need to help you

(especially if you use the hashtag #PayItForwardDay and tag us @PayItForwardDay when you share on social media!)

. This April 28th, don’t just do kindness, live it! Below are some ideas to help get you started.

[interactive_banner banner_desc=”Buy coffee for the person in line behind you at the cafe.
Volunteer at a senior center.
Bring a welcome gift to a new neighbor.” icon_disp=”with_description” banner_icon=”Defaults-heart” banner_image=”id^15210|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^in_your_community|description^null” banner_desc_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_desc_font_size=”desktop:12px;tablet:9px;tablet_portrait:7px;mobile_landscape:8px;mobile:5px;” banner_desc_line_height=”desktop:14px;tablet:9px;tablet_portrait:7px;mobile_landscape:8px;mobile:5px;”]
[interactive_banner banner_desc=”Encourage students to leave notes of kindness around school for others to find.
Have an assembly to talk about ways to pay it forward.
Create service projects that students can volunteer to do in your school.” icon_disp=”with_description” banner_icon=”Defaults-heart” banner_image=”id^15209|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^at_your_school|description^null” banner_desc_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_title_font_size=”desktop:12px;tablet:9px;tablet_portrait:7px;mobile_landscape:8px;mobile:4px;” banner_title_line_height=”desktop:14px;tablet:9px;tablet_portrait:7px;mobile_landscape:8px;mobile:3px;” banner_desc_font_size=”desktop:12px;mobile_landscape:7px;mobile:7px;” banner_desc_line_height=”desktop:14px;mobile_landscape:8px;mobile:8px;”]
[interactive_banner banner_desc=”Buying bagels for the office.
Allow employees to take a ‘volunteer day’ to encourage volunteering in your community.
Hold a fundraiser at work for a charity you care about.” icon_disp=”with_description” banner_icon=”Defaults-heart” banner_image=”id^15208|url^|caption^null|alt^null|title^in_your_office|description^null” banner_desc_style=”font-weight:bold;” banner_desc_font_size=”desktop:12px;tablet:9px;tablet_portrait:7px;mobile_landscape:8px;mobile:4px;” banner_desc_line_height=”desktop:14px;tablet:9px;tablet_portrait:7px;mobile_landscape:8px;mobile:3px;”]
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