Pay It Forward Day is a worldwide celebration of kindness that takes place every year on April 28th. Not associated with any organization or foundation and free to participate in, Pay It Forward Day exists to encourage people to stand for kindness out of the goodness of their hearts! Our mission is to inspire acts of kindness on this day in hopes that the ripple of good will continue throughout the entire year.
Sharing is caring!
Use social media on April 28 to show the world how love
can change a life while inspiring your community to stand for kindness.
Put a heart on your hand and share with us while living out kindness!
Sharing is caring!
Use social media on April 28 to show the world how love
can change a life while inspiring your community to stand for kindness.
Put a heart on your hand and share with us while living out kindness!

About the Day
Taking inspiration from author Catherine Ryan Hyde’s Pay It Forward movement, Blake Beattie started Pay It Forward Day in 2007 as a celebration of how one small act of kindness can make a big impact in the world. After beginning in Australia, the holiday now spreads love and happiness in over 85 countries. It may only lasts 24 hours, but we hope Pay It Forward Day inspires your community to stand for kindness all year long!
On April 28, don’t just do kindness, live it!

About Global Pay It Forward Day
Be kind and rewind to 2007 when Blake Beattie started Pay It Forward Day in Australia. Now over ten years old, Pay It Forward Day has inspired too many acts of kindness to count in over 85 countries. Stand for kindness on April 28 and inspire others to do the same!