Make a Connection

Looking for ways to share Pay It Forward Day with your community? We have all the tools you need to get started. Our logos, press releases, videos, and media kits are free and available for you to use. It’s never been so easy to stand up for kindness as it is on April 28th!

Our resource center is the place for you to download all the great tools that will help you show off all the awesomely kind ways you’re celebrating Pay It Forward Day! Don’t forget to share the finished product with us, too! We love to highlight people doing good!


There’s no limit to the amount
of good you can do in your community.

Resource Guide for Schools and Businesses

Helping guide schools and businesses through creating impactful campaigns for Pay It Forward Day.

Square Social Images to #payitforwardday

Kindness is contagious! But to get others excited about being kind, you have to spread the word and ask people to join you!

Horizontal Social Images to #payitforwardday

Use our hashtag to encourage your friends to post about the awesome things they’re doing for their community!

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